Monday, March 28, 2011

Slice of Life

This week's theme is "Slice of Life" over at iheartfaces and the first image that came to mind was one from this summer. My son was so excited to go swimming in his grandma's pool he spent all day like a fish! I snapped this when he was off to the side catching his breath before his next trick--he was fearless and mastered a plethora of special jumps. This is one for the albums that will most certainly get pulled out when he gets old enough to date! 


  1. Love the PP and vintage feel. Great image!

  2. Love this and the processing is perfect!

  3. Love the coloring and I love how his goggles are all fogged up!

  4. This is great! Love the processing too!

  5. Thanks guys! This is one of my favorite images of that day after countless action shots who'd have thought a moment of stillness would capture my little ball of energy so well!
